Monday, 23 March 2015

The Forensic Accounting Profession

Honourable Kirby AC CMG
Due to the dramatic technology changes occurring in the accounting environment, Honourable Kirby has considered that the need for forensic accountants to address the changes in the regulatory environment is of utmost importance to further strengthen the profession (2011, para. 9). 

Today the challenge for forensic accountants is to keep up to date with the APES 215 Standards for the Provision of Quality and Ethical Forensic Accounting Services (Accounting Professional and Ethical Standards Board, 2013). As the professional standards become stricter, forensic accountants must recognise the development of this new regulatory environment in response to meet the demands in an accounting investigation and the many different services performed (Bawaneh, 2011). Failure to do so can result in a breach of standards following the termination of one’s job. 

Misinterpretation of regulations - Mark Anderson

2 years ago, a family friend didn’t recognise the updated regulations placed by her new boss and lost her job because she actually ended up unintentionally breaching them. Back then, I felt like she was treated unfairly but as I am writing this blog, I’m beginning to understand that a breach in workplace regulations can result in job loss. 

It is recommended that as an employee, it is your job to keep informed with the workplace regulatory environment and the expectations of your profession. If you are unsure of anything, always ask to prevent breaches from occurring! 

It is better to be safe than sorry!


Accounting Professional and Ethical Standards Board. (2013). APES 215 Forensic Accounting Services [Supersedes APES 215 Forensic Accounting Services issued in December 2008]. Retrieved from

Bawaneh, S. S. (2011). Forensic Accountants in the Digital Age. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 3(3), 75 – 81.

The Honourable Kirby AC CMG. (2011, March). Forensic Accounting – New rules and opportunities. Conference held at Hilton Hotel, Sydney. Retrieved from

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